Friday, June 28, 2013

Sweets Paradise in Umeda!

unrelated, but I've had this song in my head all day: 

Anyways, I'm pretty sure the music (and this video especially!!) by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu reflects the feel of this restaurant. Sweets Paradise is a restaurant that offers tabehodai ( 食べ補題) aka all-you-can eat. They also only serve pasta, and dessert.

Um. Anyone who knows me, knows that this is pretty much my dream come true. At home I'm always known for having an extreme sweet tooth- some of my friends even call me a "baby dinosaur."

Well. Here's some photos to give you an idea of Sweets Paradise.
just seeing this wall made me excited as we walked in

I felt like I had walked into a Dr. Seuss book

this is all just dessert. 

yes, this actually happened

this is a coffee machine. you press a button and a latte comes out.
I don't understand but it actually tasted okay. 

this was written on the soda machine. some good ol' engrish!

... I ate two plates of this amount of cake. and I had two cappuccinos. I was extremely happy. 

So yeah. That is Sweets Paradise. I'm pretty sure this is a chain restaurant thing, and definitely doesn't exist only in Umeda. So if you get the chance to go to Sweets Paradise, I highly recommend it- especially if you like cake, and fruit flavored things. Just don't eat anything before you go. You will be very sad if you see cake you want to eat but can't because you're already full.

I was determined to eat as much cake as possible... It probably wasn't a good idea, but I was very satisfied. 

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