Sunday, June 23, 2013

Cooking in Japan! With no idea what I'm doing...

Alright guys. Blogging spree. This time with some food! 

To be totally honest, I've made two real meals in this apartment. I've made curry rice (カレーライス)and omurice (オムライス)

Both of these cooking adventures included rice (duh). That's fine! I use a rice cooker at home! I got this! 

sorry this picture isn't super clear...

Yeah. That's... not English. I was so excited to finally cook- I'd really pumped myself up. But if I couldn't figure out the mystery of the rice cooker, what the heck do I do??? 
I... did some more button mashing. The circle button on the left that's white... That has a soft yellow light that lights up when you plug it in. I think if you press it, you activate the warming system, to keep your rice warm and happy. Then on the right, there's a reddish circle button. To make rice with this thing, you press the left white circle button, and then press the red circle button. The red circle button has a red light when it activates- and then you finally know that your rice is cooking, not just sitting making warm soup-rice stuff.

I honestly have no idea what the other buttons mean. I was happy that I rice, and I didn't question the mystery of the rice cooker. 

So anyways, the first day I made curry rice. I should have taken more pictures of me cooking, but it didn't occur to blog these happy cooking adventures until it was pretty much done. But here was the finished product of happy CURRY RICE!

It actually came out okay - I was pretty pleased. But believe me, I'm not that gifted at cooking.

Japanese Curry in 5 Easy Steps

This is the website I used for advice on how to cook curry rice. It was actually pretty easy to understand and it tasted pretty good! Hurray. Victory for Camille....

And then this morning- I woke up *super* hungry and I really needed to make some food. What would I make? There are still so many vegetables... So many eggs.. so much rice. 

And I love Rooftop Prince.

Youtube Omurice Scene from Rooftop Princeyup, anyone who has scene Rooftop Prince remembers this scene of the boys eating omurice for the first time...

So I thought- I too will make omurice! and I will experience the same blissful feeling of eating omurice as they did in this kdrama!

I gathered all my ingredients.

 Stirred it all around in a pan! Add some rice too! 
Look at all those vegetables.

Trying to be healthy here... trying. 
Then I added some ketchup, pepper, and soy sauce! I know the ketchup part sounds weird, but that's what you're supposed to do.. Stirred it around a little bit. Pretended I was on Iron Chef.

ya know. 
Then I had to make the omelet part! I put the rice mixture in a separate bowl...

So- two eggs and some milk. Some of that delicious, fatty, Japanese milk. (skim is pretty hard to find here in Japan...)

When the omelet is starting to look half-cooked about, I added the omurice mixture I made earlier.

Nice and neatly on one side! Then it was time to flip this monster into a real omelet.
..... This is where I realized my kitchen didn't have a spatula yet. 

Yeah... I used some chopsticks and a spoon to flip it, but it pretty much started to fall apart. The presentation on the plate wasn't what I had hoped for either.

But hey, I squirted some ketchup on it and it sort of looked like something out of a drama? I'll have to buy a spatula and try again. Some people make some crazy art with omurice. They make like teddy bears of rice and use the eggie part as a blanket or something. It's pretty great. If I ever achieve that level of omurice-making, I will be sure to blog it here! 
Thanks for reading :) 

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