Sunday, June 23, 2013

Here's a blog about curry rice making.

Making curry rice isn't actually all that difficult, or exciting, but it definitely is a Japanese university student staple meal. Many a nights have I looked in my fridge and thought "I need a vortex to get rid of all these potatoes...

...curry rice."

Curry is a great way to just throw in a ton of vegetables and call it a meal. The ingredients I used were onions, potatoes, and carrots. 

You start by just frying some onions and then throw in the rest of the vegetables with meat if you want. I put in some chicken, yum. It had been in the freezer for a couple days so it took a while to thaw out while running under some cold water but eventually it was good to go! 
You don't need fry it too much, its really just for the vegetables to soak up the meat flavor. 

Then you pour in some boiling water. This cooks a LOT faster if you just boil some water to start and then pour it in. Otherwise, you'll end up waiting forever for those potatoes to cook. As it all boils, bubbly layers of foam will come up. You wanna scoop that stuff out and throw it out- it doesn't taste that great. 
When the potatoes are finally cooked (they take the longest) it's time to add the curry flavor! Japan has a TON of variety in the curry flavor you can buy, but it's pretty much all the same as far as how to use it. They come in blocks in boxes, and you just break up the blocks of curry powder/flavor and mix them in when the water is boiling and everything else in the pot is fully cooked. 

This is the kind of curry I used. I don't think it was that expensive, maybe 300 or 400 yen max? I'm totally guessing- I don't remember how much it cost. It was definitely cheap though for how many servings of curry you can get out of it.

And tada- curry rice! Pour lots of that curry/vegetable mixer over some white rice and eat it! I know it kind of looks lumpy and weird and stewy- but I promise curry rice is super good and it's basically my go to for Japanese comfort food.

... and of course there's some coffee with dinner for me. How else do I finish up that late night studying? :P 

I think there may be people who truly make homemade Japanese style curry rice, but I have no idea how they would do it. It seems to be the norm here to buy the curry blocks and just use those. I've even seen the same curry blocks at international grocery stores back at home like Cam Man, Tensuke Market, Saraga International Foods, etc. Definitely check it out! And refer to my last blog post for the link to a more informative tutorial on how to make curry rice! 

thanks for reading everyone! 

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