Friday, June 14, 2013

I think we'll need to break this into a couple posts...

Hey guys! Happy Saturday to me! I've done two weeks in this CET program and man, I'm learning that blogging during the weekdays is.. kind of not possible. Hahah I'm too busy doing homework or eating food. Ya know.

Lots of things happened lately- all interesting things, and I could make it into one giant blog post. but then I don't know if people would actually end up reading all of it because it'd be this one giant stream of consciousness... So let's split it up. 

We'll start this blog post with more fun things about my apartment and my roommate! 

My roommate is a pretty cool person. She has lots of cool clothes and definitely is one of those Japanese girls that takes care of her appearance. She wears the circle lenses and fake eyelashes every day. Other than that though, she really only wears eye makeup. I haven't seen many girls here doing a lot of eye shadows or strong lip colors- the emphasis seems to be on just eyeliner, mascara, circle lenses, and fake eyelashes.

Fake eyelashes are pretty popular here, it seems! I see a lot of girls on the train wearing them to work or to school. Back at home I only wore fake eyelashes for Halloween...

My roommate's clothes are pretty simple but chic- and she wears a lot of white, black, and pale pink. She has lots of dresses. Something I would wear to a day party is something she would just wear to school. I'm also taller than her but she has these ginormous heels and sometimes towers over me. At first, I was like "gosh, my roommate wears these giant heels. That can't be normal."

... but girls wear them everywhere here. I heard that girls wear heels in Japan- but I never realized it was like this! Literally i see girls in these heels at least 5 inches tall. To class. To the grocery store. 

I only brought some flats.. hmmm. Time to go shoe shopping I think. Though I think if I bought 5 inch heels here I would just look like a giant. I'm only about 5 foot 4, but that definitely is tall in Japan. Most girls here *look* like they're around my height, but then look down and you realize they have some elevator heels going on. 

Anyways - back to the roommate again. She doesn't seem to have much class or homework- I think her major is Hospitality. Her friends also are doing majors such as Hospitality or Administration. I haven't asked her yet what she wants to do with it. I know one of her male friends really wants to be a wedding planner. I asked him if he'd ever seen Bridezilla or Say Yes to the Dress.  Of course he hadn't, but I wonder if bridezillas exist in Japan... Hmm. But since my roommate isn't a freshman and is doing Hospitality, she has a lot of free time. In that free time, she does a lot of part time work at a pachinko parlor.

This at first surprised me, but she seems to really like it, even though it's tiring. Her work is about an hour away by train, but it's really near her home. When she goes to work, she usually stays at home for a while too. I actually haven't seen her in about a week... So I wonder how strict classes are at Japanese university? I have no idea.  

When she comes home from work, her family always gives her big boxes of food. It's pretty great, it's like groceries are falling from the sky. Our fridge is full of vegetables, meat, eggs, and our pantry has a million kinds of seasonings sitting on the microwave. It's really more than our apartment kitchen can fit, but I sure do feel healthy just looking at it.

... but. My roommate drops off these beautiful groceries and then disappears for another few days. It's getting to the point where there's all this food... and I'm the only one here. Finally the other night I cracked. 


I would feel SO bad if she came home and all the food went bad because I didn't eat any of it! But... but all this stuff needs to be cooked. There's no snack food here. And I'm not about to just sit and eat a cabbage raw. I wish I'd paid more attention to when we were cooking together for *exactly* how to make things. For the most part the seasonings/sauces things are a complete mystery to me because all the labels are written in kanji. 

But... girl's gotta eat. I started cooking in my Japanese apartment. Look forward to other blog posts with my cooking adventures!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Camille, sounds like an adventure... So far. Glad things are going well though it seems hard to believe you left two weeks ago.
    Stay well.
